What snacks do 5 year olds eat?

What snacks do 5 year olds eat?

When it comes to snacks, five-year-olds are often the pickiest eaters. Finding snacks that are both healthy and tasty can be challenging for parents. Fortunately, there are plenty of snacks that five-year-olds enjoy that are also good for them. Here are some of the best snack options for a five-year-old.


Fruit is always a great snack choice for five-year-olds. Whether it’s a banana, an apple, some grapes, or a cup of berries, fruit is packed with essential vitamins and minerals that are essential for a healthy diet. For convenience, you can buy pre-cut fruit in containers or frozen fruit that can be quickly defrosted in the microwave. Fruit is a great snack for five-year-olds because it’s sweet and it’s easy to grab and go.


Yogurt is another great snack choice for five-year-olds. It’s full of protein, calcium, and probiotics that promote healthy digestion. There are many types of yogurt available, including Greek yogurt, which is especially high in protein. Yogurt can be eaten on its own, or you can mix it with some fruit for a sweet and creamy snack. For an extra boost, add a handful of granola or nuts to the mix.


Cheese is another great snack for five-year-olds. It’s packed with calcium and protein and is easy to eat. You can pair cheese with crackers or cut it up into cubes. String cheese is a great option because it’s easy to grab and eat. You can also find pre-packaged cheese snacks in most grocery stores.

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Vegetables are often overlooked as a snack option, but they are a great choice for five-year-olds. They are packed with vitamins and minerals and are low in calories. Carrots, celery, cucumbers, and bell peppers are all great options. You can also make vegetable dip with plain yogurt and some herbs for added flavor. Veggies are a healthy and crunchy snack that five-year-olds are sure to love.


Nuts are a great source of protein and healthy fats. They make a great snack for five-year-olds because they are portable and easy to eat. Almonds, walnuts, and cashews are all great options. For convenience, you can buy pre-packaged nut mixes or individual bags of nuts. Just be sure to check the labels to make sure they don’t contain any added sugars.


Granola is a great snack for five-year-olds because it’s sweet and crunchy. It’s also full of healthy carbs and fiber. You can buy granola in boxes or bags, or you can make your own at home. To make it more fun for five-year-olds, try adding some dried fruit or chocolate chips to the mix.


Popcorn is a great snack for five-year-olds because it’s light and airy. You can buy pre-made popcorn or make your own at home. Just be sure to avoid popcorn with added butter or sugar. For a healthier option, try air popped popcorn with a sprinkle of salt or cinnamon.

Trail Mix

Trail mix is a great snack for five-year-olds because it’s full of healthy nuts, seeds, and dried fruit. You can buy pre-made trail mix in most grocery stores, or you can make your own at home. Just be sure to check the labels to make sure it doesn’t contain any added sugars or artificial flavors.

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Smoothies are a great snack for five-year-olds because they’re packed with vitamins and minerals. You can make them at home with your favorite fruits and vegetables, or you can buy pre-made smoothies in most grocery stores. Just be sure to check the labels to make sure they don’t contain any added sugars.

When it comes to snacks for five-year-olds, the options are endless. From fruit and yogurt to veggies and nuts, there are plenty of healthy snacks that five-year-olds will enjoy. Just be sure to check the labels of pre-packaged snacks to make sure they don’t contain any added sugars or artificial flavors. With a variety of healthy snacks available, there’s sure to be something for every five-year-old.

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