Why is my 11 year old not hungry?

Why is my 11 year old not hungry?

As parents, it can be alarming when your 11 year old is not hungry. They may skip meals, pick at their food, or just not show any interest in eating. You may be wondering why your 11 year old is not hungry, and what you can do to help them.


One of the main causes of a decrease in appetite in 11 year olds is puberty. It is a normal part of the growing process, and is often accompanied by a decrease in appetite. During puberty, hormones are shifting and changing, which can affect their mood, energy levels, and appetite.


Stress can also cause a decrease in appetite. 11 year olds are often dealing with a lot of stress, whether it’s related to school, friends, sports, or other activities. It’s important to recognize the signs of stress in your 11 year old and help them manage it in healthy ways.


Sometimes, a decrease in appetite can be an indication that your 11 year old is not feeling well. If they seem to be lacking energy, not sleeping well, or having digestive issues, it may be a sign of an underlying health issue. Make sure to take your 11 year old to the doctor if you are concerned about their health.

Side Effects of Medication

If your 11 year old is taking any medications, it is important to be aware of any potential side effects. Some medications can cause nausea, upset stomach, or a decrease in appetite. Talk to your doctor to see if the medication your 11 year old is taking could be causing their lack of appetite.

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Nutritional Deficiencies

It is important to make sure your 11 year old is getting the proper nutrition they need to be healthy. If they are not eating enough, they may be deficient in certain vitamins and minerals, which can lead to fatigue, weakened immune system, and other health issues. Make sure to provide your 11 year old with nutrient-rich meals and snacks.


It is easy for 11 year olds to get distracted by their smartphones, computers, and other devices. This can take away from their appetite and cause them to skip meals or snacks. Encourage your 11 year old to unplug and focus on their meals when it’s time to eat.

Lifestyle Habits

Your 11 year old’s lifestyle habits can also have an impact on their appetite. If they are not getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, or drinking enough water, it can affect their hunger levels. Make sure your 11 year old is eating regular meals and snacks, and getting plenty of sleep and exercise.

Eating Disorders

In some cases, a decrease in appetite may be a sign of an eating disorder. If your 11 year old is not eating or is exhibiting other signs of an eating disorder, it is important to seek help from a medical professional.

A decrease in appetite in 11 year olds can be a normal part of the growing process, or it can be an indication of an underlying health issue. Make sure to talk to your 11 year old about their eating habits, and if you are concerned, seek help from a medical professional.

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